About Wellness ReWard
I'm Rebekah Ward-Johnston
A long time ago, when I had two small children, I worked with mothers who were struggling to create space in their lives separate from motherhood.
Helping them remember who they were outside of parenthood and its busy demands.
I suppose it was my way of taking care of me, a young mum who was elbow deep in nappies, feeding, and entertaining her own children... and not always enjoying it.
It was two more babies before I discovered the importance of meeting my needs first. It gave me energy and I found myself being more productive and far more satisfied with my lot. And a far better mother for it. From there I started helping other people who were too busy, unable to make time to look after their needs.
My journey into the health realm started with a particularly rotten time with PMS...
The kind when you are calm, sweet and lovely 3 weeks a month and the scariest taniwha the other week.
I have no doubt that my relationship was not going to survive this Jekyll and Hyde monthly switching.
Desperate to change this I turned to homeopathy, which was incredibly successful. This also started my journey of understanding the mind/body connection and the impact of upbringing and generational stories on our health.
These days, when I’m not working or mothering, I spend time writing, with a cup of tea in hand or exploring Wellington on foot, finding hidden walkways linking neighbourhoods or treasures in our hidden alleys and playing competitive squash. And when I’m lazing around home, I’m planting flowers, or finding stories of my recently discovered Maori ancestry.
"Rebekah is so welcoming and you feel so at ease with no judgement. She definitely is in the right profession. With her guidance, knowledge and encouragement you can easily achieve your goal. Thanks, Rebekah, for being so awesome!"
~ Kat
My qualifications
In coaching people to great health, I discovered that when people had their lives in order, they were more able to implement behaviours that were conducive to greater health.
So, in 2020 I undertook an NZQA – Graduate Certificate in Professional Coaching, which gave the extra tools to work on career, life, and business (SME) goals of my clients.
I am also a qualified Homeopath, having graduated in 2005 from the Wellington College of Homeopathy.
Professional Background
- 2016-Current, The Wellness ReWard
- 2019-Current, Health Coach, Mauri Ora, Student Health, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria, University of Wellington
- 2005-2016 Rebekah Ward, Homeopath Inc
- 2009-2015 Weight loss coach - Weight Watchers AU/NZ
- 2021 Graduate Certificate in Professional Coaching - Southern Institute of Technology, Invercargill, NZ
- 2016 Certificate of Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching - Institute of Integrative Nutrition NY, USA
- 2010 Advanced Diploma of Homeopathy - Andromeda NZ
- 2005 Diploma of Homeopathy - Wellington College of Homeopath
"Rebekah has a beautiful gift of knowing what you need. Often I will make an appt to see her for one thing, and she has this incredible ability to hear further into what is REALLY going on, and then helps guide me into a healing space I didn't even know I needed! You are a blessing, Rebekah, and I'm forever grateful for your valuable input in my life."
~ Angeline
"I’ve been working with Rebekah since October 2017. My sessions with her are a highlight and delightful and I think I was supposed to have stopped by now but I haven’t and I won’t. Suck it up, buttercup! You’re stuck with me."
~ Lou